task scheduled time in console

by Hayden Stainsby on Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Update (2023-05-10): A new version of tokio-console is available including this change!

Last week we merged a small set of cool changes in Tokio Console.

They added support for tracking and displaying per task scheduled time.

For the impatient amongst you, here's a screenshot.

Screenshot of tokio-console displaying the task details for the burn task in the app example.

But what is a task's scheduled time?

Actually, let's first make sure we're all on the same page.

What's a task?


We're discussing async Rust here.

So when I say task, I'm talking about it in that context.

From the Tokio documentation for tokio::task:

A task is a light weight, non-blocking unit of execution.

A task is like a thread, but lighter-weight.

The asynchronous runtime (e.g. Tokio) is responsible for scheduling tasks across its workers.

We won't go much more into detail than that for now.

scheduled time

We often think of a task as having 2 states.

Busy: when it's being executed.

Idle: when it's waiting to be executed.

Let's look at an example of a task moving between these two states.

Time-status diagram showing 1 task in one of 2 states: idle, busy.

We see that the task is either idle or busy.

When a task stops doing work, it yields to the runtime.

This is usually because it is awaiting some other future.

Although it could also voluntarily yield.

(in Tokio this is done by calling tokio::task::yield_now().await)

When a task yields to the runtime, it needs to be woken up.

Tasks get woken by a waker.

(tautologies galore)

We're not going to get into the mechanics of wakers today.

Enough to know that when a task is woken, it is ready to work.

But the runtime might not have a worker to place it on.

So there could be some delay between when a task is woken and when it becomes busy.

This is the scheduled time.

Time-status diagram showing 1 task in one of 3 states: idle, scheduled, busy.

Why is this interesting?

Let's have a look

scheduling delays

Let's look at a case with 2 tasks.

To make things simple, we'll suppose a runtime with only 1 worker.

This means that only a single task can be busy at a time.

Here's a time-status diagram of those's 2 tasks.

Time-status diagram showing 2 tasks, each in one of 2 states: idle, busy. There is no point at where both tasks are busy at the same time.

Nothing looks especially wrong.

(there is one thing, but we don't want to get ahead of ourselves).

But perhaps the behaviour isn't everything we want it to be.

Perhaps Task 2 is sometimes taking a long time to respond to messages from a channel.

Why is this?

We don't see it busy for long periods.

Let's include the scheduled time.

Time-status diagram showing 2 tasks, each in one of 3 states: idle, scheduled, busy. There is no point at where both tasks are busy at the same time. There is one moment when task 1 is busy for a long time and during part of that time, task 2 is scheduled for longer than usual.

Now something does jump out at us.

While task 1 is busy, task 2 is scheduled for a lot longer than usual.

That's something to investigate.

It also makes is clear that task 1 is blocking the executor.

That means that it's busy for so long that it doesn't allow other tasks to proceed.

Bad task 1.

That's the thing that a trained eye might have caught before.

But we don't all benefit from trained eyes.

scheduled time in the console

Tokio console doesn't have these pretty time-status diagrams.

Yet, at least.

But you can now see the scheduled time of each task.

Tokio console showing the task list view. There is a column labelled Sched for the scheduled time.

And sort by that column too.

Let's look at the task with the highest scheduled time, task2.

Tokio console showing the task detail view. There are 2 sets of percentiles and histograms. The top one is for poll (busy) times, the bottom one is for scheduled times.

It's quickly clear that task2 spends most of its time "scheduled".

Exactly 61.34% of its time when this screenshot was taken.

We can also see that during most poll cycles, task2 spends more than 1 second scheduled.

And at least once, over 17 seconds!

How about we have a look at a more common scheduled times histogram.

Let's look at the task details for the burn task that we saw at the beginning.

Tokio console showing the task detail view for the burn task. The scheduled times histogram is more as we'd expect, clustered around the lower end.

Here we see that the scheduled times are more reasonable.

Between 22 and 344 microseconds.

(by the way, this example app is available in the console repo)

Of course, maybe 17 seconds is just fine in your use case.

But with Tokio console, you now have that information easily available.


(updated 2023-05-10)

The scheduled time feature has released!

To use it, you need at least tokio-console 0.1.8 and console-subscriber 0.1.9.


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